据NBACentral,考辛斯在SiriusXM NBA Radio中谈到,他想得到一个真正的答案,为什么他现在不在联盟中打球,同时也表达出他想重回NBA的心愿,考辛斯最后出战的一个赛季,在掘金场均能够出战13分钟,能够得到8.9分5.5篮板,投篮命中率45%,三分命中率32%,掘金当时表示他们非常有兴趣续约考辛斯,但最后都不了了之,本赛季考辛斯在积极的寻找能够试训的机会回到NBA当中,但没有球队表达签下他的意向,让我们来看看球迷们对此作何评价!


Gotta be a pro and have a good attitude bro. Talent isn’t everything. There’s thousands of great talent that aren’t in the league right now. Plus you had your shot with championship teams …. Sorry boogie.

必须成为一名职业球员 , 拥有良好的态度 , 兄弟 。 天赋并不是一切 。 现在有成千上万的优秀人才没有进入联盟 。 此外 , 你曾经有机会和冠军球队一起比赛 …… 抱歉了表妹 。

Same. I can name at least 15 bigs that he’s better than.

一样 。 我可以至少说出 15 个他比他更好的大个子 。

Cousins can contribute still I’d bet he could average 14 8 rbs 0.8 blks and provide veteran leadership rn he can stretch the floor too he’s got a good jumper.

考辛斯仍然可以做出贡献 , 我敢打赌他现在能平均得到 14 分 8 个篮板 0.8 个盖帽 , 并提供老将的经验 , 他还能拉开空间单打 , 还有一个很好的跳投 。

if wenyen gabriel in the league then boogie cousins should be too

如果加布里埃尔在联盟中 , 那么考辛斯也应该在 。

Let me guess, you think Melo and Dwight should be in the league too?

让我猜猜 , 你认为甜瓜和霍华德也应该在联盟中 ?

Bucks should’ve signed him again he was putting up good numbers until they released him for no reason. But instead they sign Meyers Leonard fuckin joke

雄鹿应该再次签下他 , 他一直表现出色 , 直到他们无缘无故不要他 。 但是他们却签下了梅耶斯 · 伦纳德 , 真是个笑话 。

Warriors please sign thia man back

勇士请再次签下这个人 。

i"d rather have nerlens noel,

at least he"ll give us the rim protection we need

我宁愿要诺埃尔 , 至少他会给我们提供我们需要的篮筐保护 。

PJ Tucker is playing 30 minutes a game…

PJ 塔克每场比赛都要打 30 分钟 ……

PJ is the best corner shooter of all time , can play D , and knows his role. Boogie is an emotional , washed up big man who was ahead of his time fr sad story but it’s one that’s alreayd been told

PJ 是有史以来最好的底角射手 , 能打防守 , 知道自己的角色 。 表妹是一个情绪化的大个子 , 他领先于时代 , 真是一个悲伤的故事 , 但这已经被讲述过了 。

The GMs of the league don’t see a need for him. Regardless of our opinions of his value. The ones that matter. Don’t see it. But hopefully something works out for him next year. Always good energy.

联盟的总经理们并不认为需要他 。 不管我们对他价值的看法如何 。 那些重要的人 。 看不到它 。 但希望明年他能有所作为 。 有竞技态度 。

I"ll have DeMarcus cousins over Ben Simmons. I don"t care what position. Heck let cousins play PG, I"m sure he"ll shoot free throws and threes.

我会选择考辛斯而不是本 · 西蒙斯 。 我不在乎什么位置 。 让考辛斯打控球后卫也行 , 我相信他会投篮和三分球 。

You say this like Ben Simmons has a future after this season

你这么说就像本 · 西蒙斯在这个赛季之后还有未来一样

I will never tolerate Boggie Cousins slander. MVP caliber in his prime… his skill set and game was before it’s time.

我永远不会容忍对考辛斯的诽谤 。 他在巅峰时期是 MVP 级别的 …… 他的技能和比赛都领先于时代 。

One of those careers you always wonder “what if” if not for injuries

这是那些你总是想知道 “ 如果 ” 没有受伤的职业生涯之一 。

Bad attitude doesn’t want to be a backup, technical foul merchant

态度不好 , 不想当替补 , 技术犯规大户 。

#1 reason - Bad Attitude. He"s been on at least 5(warriors, lakers, bucks, rockets and nuggets) teams in that last 4-5 years and didn"t last. There"s lots of teams that need a big backup center right now but they don"t want the problems that come with bringing him in.

第一原因 —— 态度不好 。 他在过去的 4-5 年里至少在 5 支球队 ( 勇士 、 湖人 、 雄鹿 、 火箭和掘金 ) 效力过 , 但都没有持久 。 现在有很多球队需要一个大个子替补中锋 , 但他们不想要带来他加入后的问题 。

Good question. I think it will all comes down to him being healthy first then do some reflections on his attitude if in case he will be on the court again. Great player no doubt but as injury prone as he is recently, teams will always look on how he can help as a team player

好问题 。 我认为这一切都将取决于他首先保持健康 , 然后对自己的态度进行一些反思 , 以防万一他再次上场 。 毫无疑问 , 他是一个伟大的球员 , 但由于最近容易受伤 , 球队总是会考虑他作为一个团队球员能够提供多少帮助 。

Should be on the @Lakers playing C so AD can move to the 4 , but Rob putting feelings over business an ion like that!

Embiid & Joker the only two that’s better.

Wolves made the adjustment getting Rudy because they know KAT a finesse Big . 4 is where he & AD thrive at.

应该在 @ 湖人 打中锋 , 这样戴维斯就可以移动到 4 号位 , 但佩林卡把感情放在了生意之上 , 我不喜欢那样 ! 只有恩比德和约基奇才更好 。 森林狼做出了调整 , 因为他们知道唐斯是一个精细的大个子 。4 号位是他和 AD 最擅长的位置 。

The only responsible answer would be locker room issue but I haven’t heard anything about that since he took the role player role tho he still has some what of a temper on court

更衣室问题 , 但自从他担任角色球员以来 , 我还没有听说过这方面的事情 , 尽管他在场上仍然有些脾气暴躁 。

This shouldn’t exclude him tho, the minutes with jokic the previous season was GREAT, he was what the nuggets when jokic was resting and was a mini jokic for them

这不应该排除他 , 上个赛季与约基奇共同出场的时间非常棒 , 他是掘金队在约基奇休息时所需要的人 , 并且对他们来说是一个迷你约基奇 。

Demarcus Cousins was an actual quality backup center for DEN last year, but they thought DeAndre Jordan and Thomas Bryant were the answer. Min Salary for Cousins would be one of the best values in the league.


