

1、produced by制作人;制片;由…产生例句1.The results produced by chloral hydrate suppository hard and soft moderate, stable, easy to use for clinical.结果制备的水合氯醛栓剂软硬适中,性质稳定,能供临床方便使用。

2、2.The Company produced by the simulation really pets to animal hair (rabbits, wool) as the main material.本公司所生产的仿真宠物以动物真毛(兔、羊毛)为主要材料。

3、3.Such light as is produced by an incandescent lamp is called incoherent light.象白炽灯发出的那种光叫做非相干光。

4、4.A very common type of data produced by testing, one which is often a source for quality metrics, is defects.测试产生的一个非常普通的数据类型是缺陷,它通常是质量度量方法的来源。

5、5.That this emotion was produced by previously existing external conditions, the writer does not deny.我并不否认,这种激情是以前就存在的外部条件所造成的。

6、6.Bronchiectasis is usually produced by an untreated lung infection.支气管扩张一般由未适当治疗的肺部感染引起。


